An entrepreneur is a person who takes risks and has the responsibility to innovate by bringing together factors of production in order to achieve a certain return.
Minister of Family and Social Services Göktaş attended the Halkbank Producing Women Competition Award Ceremony
Our Minister of Family and Social Services, Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, said, “We aim to increase the female workforce participation rate to 40.1 percent and the female employment rate to 36.2 percent by the end of 2028 with the development plan."
In her speech at the "Halkbank Productive Women Competition Award Ceremony", Minister Göktaş said that women, who represent productivity and sensitivity in all areas of life, are the guarantee of a healthy and strong society.
Emphasizing that strengthening the place of women in society and ensuring equality between men and women are their primary duties, Göktaş explained that they have made great strides in the last 22 years for women to play more active role in political, social and economic life.
Stating that they are working to ensure that women do not have to choose between work and home, Göktaş said, "We attach importance to expanding the nursery model to cover the 0-3 age group, as well as nurseries in industries. The reason is that women entrepreneurs affect not only their own lives but also their environment and society with their potential to create employment.
"We have supported more than 800 thousand women so far"
Göktaş continued her speech as follows:
"Woman's existence in society as a strong individual is only possible with a working life where equality between men and women is ensured. In this context, we continue our work with great determination to promote that women take active involvement in economic life. Through our financial literacy and women's economic empowerment seminars, we provide opportunities for women to access economic support, incentives, and application mechanisms more easily. We have started these seminars in 2018 and have supported more than 800 thousand women to date."
Göktaş explained that they are carrying out the "Türkiye’s Engineer Girls Project" to support female students who want to become engineers and ensure that they become leaders in their professions. Besides, Göktaş stated that they discussed the current situation of women entrepreneurs, their problems, and solution suggestions for these problems at the “New Horizons in Women Entrepreneurship Consultation Meeting” held on January 18.
"We believe sincerely that the Türkiye Century will be the century of women."
Stating that they aim to increase the female workforce participation rate to 40.1 percent and the female employment rate to 36.2 percent by the end of 2028 with the development plan, Göktaş said:
"As women's words increase and their voices become loudly, the voices of their society also increase and their voices become loudly. Women are the foundation of family and society. Women are teacher in the classroom with a pen in their hands, an engineer with a computer in front of them, a doctor who heals with the prescriptions they write. Women are artists who shape society step by step. There have been pioneer women who shed light and guided us in every period of our history,. From Hayme Ana to Gevher Nesibe Hatun, from poet Nigar Hanım to Fatma Aliye, many women who left their mark on our history with their determination and struggles. No economic, cultural and political movement can be successful without women. As our President stated, we wholeheartedly believe that the Türkiye’s Century will be the century of women. With this strong vision, we support every step they take towards a strong future of a strong Türkiye. As Ministry, we fully believe in the importance of women taking the place they deserve in working life, actively participating in the workforce, and having a say in production."
After the speeches, Halkbank General Manager Osman Arslan presented a plaque to Göktaş. The Minister of Treasury and Finance, Mehmet Şimşek, Governor of Istanbul Davut Gül, award-winning women and guests attended the program.

Cooperation between the Ministry of Family and Social Services and the Ministry of Industry and Technology on Strengthening Women's Entrepreneurship
Minister of Family and Social Services, Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, stated that "We continue our efforts to strengthen women's entrepreneurship, which makes our country a rising value in every field. We plan to prevent women from having to choose between their roles in home and business life with the practices we will spread all over Türkiye".
A cooperation protocol was signed between the Ministry of Family and Social Services and the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and the Scientific Research-Development, Innovation and Scientific Activity Cooperation Protocol was signed with TÜBİTAK to strengthen women's entrepreneurship and facilitate women's engagement in income-generating activities.
In the program, for inspiring women, a "Strong Tomorrow with Female Entrepreneurs" interview was held with female entrepreneurs who have achieved significant success in Türkiye, under the moderation of Minister Göktaş.
In her speech at the program, Minister Göktaş stated that women's empowerment is the key to a strong family and to a prosperous society.
Stating that an important step has been taken for women entrepreneurship today, Minister Göktaş uttered, "Many entrepreneurship stories tell that women who set out with their own goals achieved success beyond their dreams. “According to the latest research in Türkiye, women entrepreneurs mainly prefer new technology areas such as information and communication techologies, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support services," she added.
Pointing out that technology has become a constantly changing force that transforms every sector, Göktaş emphasized that it is economically and socially important for women entrepreneurs to direct their focus to these fields.
Stating that women, who have increased their presence in the fields of science, technology and engineering, have strengthened Türkiye's position in global competition by bringing digital technologies and innovation to the forefront, Göktaş said that artificial intelligence has opened the door to groundbreaking innovations in health, education, agriculture and many other sectors.
"Women entrepreneurs further strengthen Türkiye's place on the world stage"
Minister Göktaş pointed out that women's work in advanced technology fields, especially in artificial intelligence, enriches the country's technological infrastructure and talent pool, and added:
"This interest of female entrepreneurs in STEM fields also creates a role model for future generations. This active role of women in Türkiye's innovation journey lays the foundations of a globally competitive technology ecosystem in our country. We can use our entrepreneurial potential by establishing national networks and participating in international networks. It is very important to move forward".
Women entrepreneurs further strengthen Türkiye's position on the world stage by following new technologies and creating international networks. As can be seen, female entrepreneurship brings great dynamism to business life. In one of the studies conducted in this field, it was observed that the concept of entrepreneurship is most associated with courage, being strong and facing all difficulties among female entrepreneurs. This is an significant point to be considered. We realize that the self-confidence of women and the successes they achieved also enable them to become economically stronger. There are also countless examples of how participating in business life improves women in many areas in a short time."
"We continue our efforts to strengthen women's entrepreneurship"
To give an example from the story of Ayşe Ertaş, a young entrepreneur, Göktaş stated that Ertaş, a graduate of Manisa Celal Bayar University Computer Engineering, developed new generation simulators for the defense industry with her colleague.
Stating that the simulators in question imitate vehicle movements and work integrated with virtual reality technology, Göktaş stated, "The simulators they developed are used in the defense industry and the international market. "In fact, it shows us how the combination of Ms. Ayşe's common sense and technological developments creates miracles." she added.
Emphasizing that every woman who experiences the feeling of "I can do it" turns into a great symbol of success for her own life, her family and the society, Göktaş said:
"When we look at these added values created by women from a broader perspective, we realize that they positively affect the development process of our country. With a realistic approach, we consider women's economic participation as an integral part of our national policies. According to TÜİK data, in the third quarter of 2023, women among employers and self-employed workers will increase. The rate is currentlyat 16 percent. In EU countries, this rate is around 33 percent. We continue our efforts to increase this rate through our collaborations and to strengthen women's entrepreneurship, which makes our country a rising value in every field. With the practices, we will spread all overTürkiye, we plan to prevent women from having to choose between roles in home and business life.
"We supported the establishment of 1012 new women's cooperatives"
Stating that there is nothing that women cannot achieve when equal opportunities are provided, Göktaş reminded that as the Ministry, they offer entrepreneurship opportunities to women from all segments of society in 81 provinces.
Stating that the Cooperation Protocol on Strengthening Women's Cooperatives, signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Commerce under the coordination of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, was extended for another 5 years last year, Göktaş stated that, "With this protocol, we supported the establishment of 1012 new women's cooperatives. We also attach great importance to the visibility of women in business life. "As women become more visible, women's efforts will receive the respect they deserve. I sincerely believe that many women who have not yet discovered their talents will become the protagonists of unforgettable stories", she added.
“The 'National Technology Move' will rise on the shoulders of those who overcome obstacles”
Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır emphasized that they strengthened the position of women in social life with "The Cooperation Protocol on Strengthening Women's Cooperatives" and explained that they made it easier for women entrepreneurs to benefit from investment incentives and KOSGEB supports.
Kacır stated that they provide guidance and consultancy services and project support through development agencies and regional development administrations, and added:
"With the protocol, we will continue to cooperate with the Ministry of Family and Social Services in developing joint projects in the field. With the Scientific Research-Development, Innovation and Scientific Activity Cooperation Protocol, we aim to support the psychological, social, emotional and cognitive development of children under protection and care, disabled and elderly individuals, and woman and child victims of violence. Our female contestant, who developed an application that provides narration services to visually impaired users with artificial intelligence and human cooperation, won the first place in the 'Barrier-Free Life Technologies' competition at TEKNOFEST, which we organized in Izmir. Currently, the mobile application she designed is used in nearly 40 countries. We believe that the 'National Technology Move' will rise on the shoulders of those who overcome obstacles. We will continue to support each of our 85 million citizens in their journey of developing, producing and adding value to technology."
The information and support that women entrepreneurs will need is combined on a single platform.
After the speech, the "Cooperation Protocol on Strengthening Women's Cooperatives" was signed by Ministers Göktaş and Kacır. Stating that they aim to empower women entrepreneurs and increase the number of women entrepreneurs with the said protocol, "We are planning innovative studies that will make it easier for women to engage in income-generating activities." Göktaş highlighted.
Later, the Scientific Research-Development, Innovation and Scientific Activity Cooperation Protocol was signed between the Ministry of Family and Social Services and TÜBİTAK in order to expand women's working areas and develop their businesses by using new technologies.
The program also introduced the website “”, which brings together education, research, financial support and mentoring activities that support women's entrepreneurship on a single platform and gathers the information necessary to become an entrepreneur.
In her last statement, Minister Göktaş emphasized that thanks to the protocols and website, they will be able to offer more women the opportunity to start a business and develop their existing business.

Our Minister of Family and Social Services Göktaş Attended the New Horizons in Women Entrepreneurship Consultation Meeting
Our Minister of Family and Social Services, Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, stated that they will sign a protocol with the Ministry of Industry and Technology on January 24 in order to increase the number of women entrepreneurs and women's employment in the country and to strengthen existing women entrepreneurs.
Minister Göktaş, in his speech at the New Horizons in Women's Entrepreneurship Consultation Meeting held in a hotel hosted by the ministry, stated that in Turkish culture, women are a strong shelter that holds both the home and the nation together with their mercy and compassion, and said that women, who are the symbol of abundance, everything they touch with the productivity in their nature. He said it increased his productivity.
Göktaş stated that, as a social state, it is their primary duty to provide equal opportunities in every field for women who create value in every field they work in, both in the family and in society, without avoiding any sacrifices, and stated that all the opportunities they offer to women in the context of social policies are a natural result of the principles of human rights, equality and justice.
Reminding that they have made important innovations in all fields in accordance with these principles, Minister Göktaş said, "The schooling rates of our girls have increased in the last 20 years. The rate of women attending higher education, having a profession, being employed and participating in the workforce has also increased significantly. Women are especially interested in their own wings, such as entrepreneurship." "We are very pleased with the self-confidence they display and the achievements they have achieved in a field that requires them to fly. This progress also enables women to become economically stronger. This added value created by women also positively affects the development process of our country." said.
"We increased the participation rate of women in the workforce to 35.9 percent as of November 2023"
Stating that they see women's economic participation as an integral part of national policies, Göktaş continued his words as follows:"In our country's 12th Development Plan, we determined the female labor force participation rate as 40 percent and the female employment rate as 36.2 percent by the end of 2028. We witness that the incentives we offer in this field provide positive developments. The rate of female labor force participation, which was approximately 27.9 percent in 2002, is 40 percent. We increased the labor force participation rate to 35.9 percent as of November 2023. In the same period, we increased the female employment rate from 25.3 percent to 31.8 percent. According to TÜİK data, employers and self-employed workers in the third quarter of 2023 "The proportion of women among women is still 16 percent. In EU countries, this rate is 33 percent."
Göktaş stated that at this point, they also included the reasons that limit women's participation in the workforce, and said, "The main reasons that prevent women from participating in the workforce are lack of capital and difficulty in finding resources. Due to the risks of getting a bank loan, women often rely on their own savings or their families and "They have to make do with limited support from their relatives. On the other hand, leaving all roles within the family to women's responsibility negatively affects the equality of opportunity between men and women in entrepreneurship." he said.
Pointing out that women have to choose between their families and entrepreneurship goals in order to achieve work and life balance under these conditions, Göktaş stated that they are carrying out some studies on switching to a flexible working model in both the public and private sectors in order to overcome this dilemma that causes serious obstacles in women's lives.
Göktaş said, "In addition, with the Neighborhood-Focused Nursery Model, we aim to share the responsibility of families, especially in the care of children aged 0-3. With these practices that we will spread all over Türkiye, we aim to prevent women from having to make a choice between home or work life." he said.
"We aim to support this process with our work encouraging women entrepreneurship."
Göktaş emphasized that women make great progress in a short time even when the obstacles in their way are removed, and noted that there is nothing that women cannot achieve and overcome when equal opportunities are offered.
Stating that, as the Ministry, they attach importance to every effort, diligence and dedication in this regard, Göktaş continued as follows:
"We aim to support this process with our work that encourages women's entrepreneurship. We organize Financial Literacy and Women's Economic Empowerment Seminars on topics such as capital management and investment tools. With these works, we have reached more than 750 thousand women in 81 provinces so far. As in many countries, there are also many women in our country. "We support cooperative activities that make women's dreams of entrepreneurship come true. Last year, we extended the Cooperation Protocol on Strengthening Women's Cooperatives, signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Commerce under the coordination of our Ministry, for another 5 years. We supported the establishment of 1012 new women's cooperatives."
Stating that they emphasize the importance of women's visibility in business life in all their statements, in addition to the concrete support they provide to women entrepreneurship, Göktaş stated that as the visibility of women in business life increases, women's labor will receive the respect it deserves.
Announcing that they plan to implement two studies in the near future, Göktaş shared the following information:"Our first good news is that we are signing a joint protocol with the Ministry of Industry and Technology on Wednesday, January 24. With this protocol, we aim to increase the number of women entrepreneurs and women's employment in our country and to strengthen existing women entrepreneurs. Our other good news is that we will create an internet for women who are entrepreneurs and aim to become entrepreneurs. We will launch the website on that day. With this website, we bring together all the information provided by the public, private sector, non-governmental organizations, universities and international organizations. We make education, research, financial support and mentoring studies that support women entrepreneurship accessible on a single platform. In addition, "We aim to reinforce women's solidarity in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, improve women's entrepreneurial skills and capacities, and increase the number of women entrepreneurs throughout Türkiye."
After Minister Göktaş's speech, the meeting continued closed to the press.

Our Minister Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş Attended the Türkiye Cooperatives Fair and Family Academy Openings in Gaziantep
Our Minister of Family and Social Services, Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, stated that women's labor force participation rates and women's employment rates have increased, and said, "We are working to ensure that women do not have to choose between work and home life." aforementioned.
Minister Göktaş expressed his pleasure to be in Gaziantep at the opening of the Türkiye Cooperatives Fair, which he attended together with the Minister of Trade Ömer Bolat.
Stating that women's entrepreneurship is one of the driving forces of economic and social progress, Göktaş said, "We attach great importance to activities that will strengthen the roles of women in economic and social life, develop their creativity and create space for women entrepreneurs. Platforms: Places where innovative ideas and collaborations flourish are critical for entrepreneurship to achieve sustainable growth." ." "We think it's important," he said.
Stating that, as the Ministry, they are planning social policies that will strengthen the structure of the individual and the family, Göktaş continued as follows:
"From this perspective, we carry out our services with a vision that aims to increase social welfare with programs that support family relations and contribute to the psychological and social development of children and young people. We continue to produce social policies in line with our goal. We aim to increase social welfare in our 12th Development Plan. "Qualified people, strong families There is a "healthy society". Strengthening the social status of women has an important role in achieving this goal. In order to encourage women's participation in the workforce, we offer opportunities to women through activities and supports that will serve this vision, such as vocational training programs and entrepreneurship supports. Under the leadership of our President, "Türkiye made significant progress in women's employment during the AK Party government."
"We increased the female employment rate to 33 percent"
Stating that women's labor force participation rates have increased, Göktaş said, "The labor force participation rate of women, which was 27.9 percent in 2002, increased to 30.2 percent in October 2023. In the same period, the female employment rate increased from 25 percent to 20 percent. .33 percent.” "We are working to prevent women from having to choose between work and home life with regulations such as flexible working hours, maternity and breastfeeding leaves, and access to child care services." aforementioned.
"We established 1010 new women's cooperatives"
Minister Göktaş reminded that they extended the "Cooperation Protocol on the Strengthening of Women's Cooperatives" for another 5 years with the protocol signed between the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on September 6, 2023, and continued as follows:
"Within the scope of this protocol, we organized 894 workshops and information meetings locally through the Women's Cooperatives Working Groups. We reached approximately 45 thousand people and established 1010 new women's cooperatives. We trained a total of 3 thousand 844 people on these issues. We achieved this in terms of product development, food safety and product storytelling. More than 8 thousand people have benefited from all these activities so far. We adopt a comprehensive approach to strengthen women's cooperatives in sales and marketing. For this purpose, we organized Marketing Network Development. Meetings in 10 provinces with representatives of the private sector, e-commerce platforms and local government. "We attach importance to Cooperatives Fairs to make them more visible and preferred, to create new customers and business partnerships, and to increase public awareness." "I would like to thank those who contributed to the realization of the Yürkiye Cooperatives Fair, which is organized to increase the capacity of women's cooperatives in our country and to develop trade through cooperatives."
Minister Göktaş and Bolat gave plaques to 10 successful cooperative presidents. After the opening of the fair, ministers and their entourage, Gaziantep Governor Kemal Çeber, Metropolitan Mayor Fatma Şahin and other participants visited the stands.
“We get our strength from our family”
Following the program here, Minister Göktaş attended the opening of the "Family Academy", which was implemented under the leadership of Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality and in cooperation with public and private sector representatives, universities and non-governmental organizations.
At the opening, Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş wished mercy to the soldiers who were martyred in the attacks carried out by the terrorist organization in the north of Iraq and wished healing to the wounded.
Drawing attention to the importance of family, Göktaş said, "Family is one of the most valuable treasures that a person can have in life. Family is the bridge between the past and the future, the child and the parents, the individual and the society. We draw our strength from the family. The social, cultural and Describing the profound change in all areas of life, especially economic areas, Göktaş stated that the family's choice was also affected by this change and transformation.
“I invite our media, especially, to be more sensitive against content that will shake our family structure and social values.”
Göktaş stated that, as the ministry, on the one hand, they continue to make families more prepared for these developments, and on the other hand, they are working to make families more resilient and hidden against the risks that these changes will pose. "I would like to make a call. In this age where bad, ugly and wrong spread rapidly, good "I invite our media to be more sensitive, especially against content that is true and beautiful and will shake our family structure and social values." said.
Stating that societies in which the family is not of great importance cannot look to the future no matter how economically prosperous they are, Göktaş said, "Family structure is an institution that has no alternative in terms of values and ranges. At this point, the journey to families will continue, providing them with the necessary support and improving family dynamics." "I find the existence of the Family Academy, which will strengthen the family, very valuable," he said.
Emphasizing that they will always continue to act with family priority, Minister Göktaş continued his words as follows:
"As the Ministry, we carried out a series of activities in the 'family' center in 2023 with the understanding of protecting the family and protecting family values. We know that cooperation with civil society, universities and all other social races takes place in our work. We carry out all our activities with the slogan 'Our Family, Our Future in the Türkiye Century', Mr. "We have literally crowned our family council, which we held for the eighth time under the auspices of our President. We will soon announce the decisions taken at the council and the 'Family Strengthening Vision Document and Action Plan' that we have prepared in the region."
Stating that the families of the "Türkiye Century" have expanded for centuries, Göktaş said that they established the Family and Youth Fund to protect their families and young people from risks and to support their development.
Minister Göktaş stated that the groups aimed at increasing the number of Family Institutes continue in order to base family economic and social policies on solid foundations and said:
"We continue to work with great effort to separate the family and pass on family values to the next generations as a legacy. We want to give the good news here. I hope we will work to spread the same model in our other provinces, especially in Istanbul. It is an exemplary project. Bringing stakeholders together "The work carried out for care and togetherness, family protection and healing is really valuable. Some things do not need to be produced from scratch. There is a successful model here. I hope we do not try to spread this in other provinces."

Our Minister of Family and Social Services Göktaş Met with Women Entrepreneurs in Elazığ
Our Minister of Family and Social Services, Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, said, "We will ensure that women participate more actively in working life and have a greater say in economic life in line with the changing dynamics of the labor market." said
Minister Göktaş met with women entrepreneurs after visiting the Governorship and Municipality in Elazığ.
Minister Göktaş visited the Elazığ Municipality Hayme Ana Producing Women's Bazaar and met with women entrepreneurs at the Women's Enterprise Production and Management Cooperative.
Göktaş, who received information about the work of women entrepreneurs, stated that she met with women entrepreneurs in every province she visited.
Stating that they provided consultancy and training services to women on product development and food safety with the Women's Empowerment through Cooperatives Project, Göktaş said, "We ensured the more effective participation of women in economic and social life through cooperatives. In this context, we supported the establishment of 1008 new women's cooperatives." he said.
Stating that they carry out training and consultancy activities according to the needs of women in 11 provinces with the Young Women Building Their Future Project, Göktaş said, "We support women in accessing jobs, internships and education all over Türkiye." said.
"We will strengthen women's employment"
Emphasizing the importance of women's more active participation in working life, Minister Göktaş said:
"With the 2nd Women's Empowerment Strategy Document and Action Plan, we will ensure that women participate more actively in working life and have a greater say in economic life in line with the changing dynamics of the labor market. We will strengthen women's employment in areas with high added value such as engineering, information technologies and manufacturing. Women "Entrepreneurs' activeness in business life strengthens their position in society, affects the development level of societies and contributes to preventing injustice in income distribution."
Stating that significant changes have been made in the laws regulating the labor market and working life in order to ensure equality between men and women, to support women's employment, and to harmonize work and family life, Göktaş stated that they have diversified the educational opportunities for young people and women.
Minister Göktaş listened to the demands of women entrepreneurs and gave instructions to meet them.
On the other hand, Göktaş also visited the family of Petty Officer Senior Sergeant Önder Pınar, who was martyred in the Euphrates Shield Operation against terrorist targets in northern Syria in 2016.
“The genocide committed in Gaza breaks our hearts”
Minister Göktaş then visited the AK Party Provincial Headquarters and met with the organization. In his speech here, Göktaş expressed his satisfaction in being in Elazığ, which has an important place in the geography of culture and heart.
Stating that the successful services provided in the city are important in terms of showing the AK Party's understanding of municipalism, Göktaş also emphasized the importance of working on local elections.
Reacting to Israel's attacks on Gaza in his speech, Minister Göktaş said, "The genocide committed in Gaza, which has become an open-air prison, breaks our hearts. Under the leadership of our President, we constantly bring this issue to the agenda both internationally and in bilateral relations. Ensuring a ceasefire, humanitarian "We are making many attempts to deliver aid." he said.
Stating that the Ministry, under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's wife Emine Erdoğan, continues its efforts to bring Palestinian sick, injured and orphaned children to Türkiye, Göktaş reminded that they had previously extended a helping hand to Ukrainian children who were orphaned due to the Russia-Ukraine war.
Minister Göktaş said, "We are such a country under the leadership of our President that wherever there is an oppressed person, Türkiye is there. Our President is there. We have not forgotten our children and women in Palestine and Gaza, we do not forget. Unfortunately, the people who were murdered there are expressed as numbers on television, although they are just lives." , they are human beings.” said.
Emphasizing once again that Palestinian and Gazan women and children are not alone, Göktaş said, "We will continue to protect them as always."
Minister Göktaş then visited the Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services and met with the staff.

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